I couldn't miss a few obvious and funny references:

1. Natan's latest post just so happens to reference an "ass" in the title, which in the post is conveniently referring to Charedim, oh but only as a comparison to the mitzvah of helping an "ass" struggling under a burden. Why Natan substituted the more arcane and rude-sounding word "ass" for donkey when referencing Charedim was surely a coincidence. Charedim are just over-sensitive and looking for a fight.

2. Natan seems to like to flaunt his vaunted scholar-in-residence invitations. Well, his latest advertised scholar-in-residence was to a living room minyan! And I, BANana, am the scholar-in-residence of my fruit bowl!

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With regards to Natan's lack of success in getting speaking engagements, I've mentioned in the past that he needs a new marketing team. I am repeating the comment here for those who missed it.


"No doubt that the slow business at the museum is likely taking an additional toll on his mental health, giving him plenty of extra time to focus on his life obsession"

Additionally, he's been trying desperately to get a gig as a scholar in residence somewhere in the US, with apparently little success. This can't be too beneficial for his already fragile ego.

I would recommend he lower his price, or offer some kind of incentive, like free shipping.

"Legendary doorknob available as a scholar in residence, somewhere on planet earth. Electricity and indoor plumbing not necessary. Who ever thought a scholar in residence must be a scholar?. We guarantee to WOW your audience of incoherent ignorant closed minded RATIONALIZATIONISTS. We offer discourses on the following dazzling,diverse topics:

1. The BAN- what it feels like

2. The BAN- what it felt like

3. How to get banned

4. why do chareidim love BANS

5. From BAN to turBAN, the connection between chareidim and muslims

5. Banned?

7. Banned!

8. Seing the Ban in BANanas: Chareidi ridiculous dietary laws

9. Dinosaurs and dynamite; Chareidim in the military, museum, and workforce

10. Going broke: Why the Israeli economy crashed 80 years ago

11. Egyptian economics: How the original Jews made Egypt bankrupt end then escaped with the plunder

12. The seven years of plenty: a closed minded chareidi's version of economics

13. The ban, again

14. A nation of priests; racism in the old testament.

15. I was BANNED

16. The wisdom of Balaam

17. Korach; Messing with Chareidim

18. Plus MUCH, MUCH, more

Now offering FREE SHIPPING and REFRESHMENTS for all lectures. No ticket, accomodations, or directions necessary. Please please please call the museum to arrange such an event. Its something you and your constituents will not regret. Money back GUARANTEED!

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Shalom Happy hope all is well, reader who comes from a modern orthodox background. Been reading up a bit on the website and like a lot of what you write (even if I disagree with a point here or there). If you don’t mind sharing, could you link the article that was written addressing dinosaurs as a whole and the different possibilities? I read it once but can’t seem to find it. Would like to share with a Rav and discuss.

Thank you and keep up the great work,


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Can you explain what you're really referring to? I know this kills the point but...

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Shkoiach Happy!

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Wow Happy, what a story!

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The rest of the Story.

Then the Jews of Chelm turned to the Rabbi of

Irrationalist Modoxism.The rabbi opened his toolbox .There he had different tools.Some were Distortions others were Confusing.And The most effective were Lies with Disrespect. He decided to explain with all his tools. Some of the Jews told him to o leave because they already had heard some o onsensefhis

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Oh, I thought you were acknowledging along with the Rambam et al, that donkeys (or snakes, etc.) don't talk, thus converting to rationalism.

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