Devil's advocate: At some point doing something irrational given X is evidence that you don't believe X. Example: Someone says there's Cholera in the water and he - without any coercion being applied at all - drinks from that water. One could argue that people speaking lashon hara implies that while they may believe that it's bad they only quasi-believe the maamarei chazal, rishonim etc. about how bad it is or at least don't take it literally. Assuming they're cynically lying seems wildly unfavorable to Charedim, at least when there's a much more straightforward explanation.

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כל הפוסל במומו פוסל

He still thinks of himself as religious. But he doesn't believe. QED

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If Rav Shach, who famously brought down a government, felt that this was beyond his ability, it was beyond his ability.

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