Mar 21, 2023Liked by מכרכר בכל עוז

Hi, I really like what you're doing here, it's a very good balance to what is coming out of the RJ blog. As someone who generally likes and appreciates what DRNS believes, but very much dislikes how he says it, I would like to assume the role of representing Slifkin and say here what I think he would write if he were not so scarred and bitter towards chareidim.

I think you guys do not truly appreciate the beauty of the struggle that he and many others are going through and what is what I consider the key driving force behind the rational Judaism hashkafa. And I hope to respectfully bring that out in your comments section with the goal of learning, educating, and hopefully bridging what currently seems like a huge gap between the two sides

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Interesting you posted a picture of Yaron Yadan, because Nosson's (sic) first books were specifically written to counter his claims, especially "The Camel, Hare, and The Hyrax" and "Mysterious Creatures", precisely those books which got banned.

I do not think even Natan supports Yadan's vile rhetoric or attitude towards Judaism.

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Gideon Slifkin's old blog: https://gadolhadorarchivemonth.blogspot.com/

Its in reverse order. Its a historical curiosity. (As an aaide, Natan was very upset about it.)

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I know right. According to the books my kids read, Yaakov Ovinu wore a spodik. Clearly those kravaten-juden of the early 1900's who stopped wearing them were evil perverters of ancient practices.

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Repeating the same thing over and over doesn't make it any less wrong.

But I do find your obsession with Noson Slifkin, your use of language, and your evident desire to act as self-appointed policeman of various imagined boundaries, to be quite amusing, interesting and unusual. Worthy even of a psychological analysis.

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Wrong again. You are making a whole lot of unwarranted assumptions. But even if it wasn't my community, so what? That doesn't seem to stop you from being so obsessed with R' Slifkin that you have created a whole blog devoted to attacking him.

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"Every indication from chareidi behavior is that they believe it and practice it."

This would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic. Like everything else, some do, most emphatically do not. Many examples have been provided to date, such as running to the sealed rooms during the gulf war, the guards outside kiryat sefer and beitar (not to mention on the leil shimurim (1st night pesach) several years ago, it was a time of high alert, the town of beitar actually demanded additional security, causing those providing the extra security to miss their seider - so not only was there no faith in the torah protects, there was no faith in leil shimurim l'doros either!), the yeshivos that did flee, etc etc. All been 'answered' with silly word salads.

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Er...yeah ok. Have fun policing your little online dreamworld.

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You are hilarious. The usual Charedi line has always been "everyone was frum in the heym" (which was always nonsense). But when that's not convenient now it's "Poland and Lithuania weren't far behind the 90% spiritually 'lost in Germany." (And, of course, who was to blame for that? Well Zionism of course, among others. Don't say the Rabbonim didn't point that out very clearly!)

But "You know nothing about history. Here, let me give you some anecdotes to replace the actual research done by people who spend their time checking things like population and marriage records, shul records, newspaper records." Because Ploni "knows." Hilarious. Because Avigdor "Better to be a murderer than to tolerate homosexuals" Miller was "there."

One of the "miracles" that pretty much everyone agrees on was the War of Independence. Oh, can't attribute that to Charedi Torah study? Then not a miracle at all! "Actually they lost that war! The country was in a shambles until Torah study picked up!"

So let's get this straight. Zionism is both partly responsible for the Holocaust and not at all responsible for the success of Israel. Whereas, if only everyone had listened to the Rabbonim there wouldn't have been a Holocaust. And Israel's success is due to Charedi Torah study. And those secular Jews (those shmucks who pay taxes and serve in the army) don't even deserve to live in Eretz Yisoel.

The depth of arrogance, the extent of delusion and the hatred and sickness involved in this is absolutely remarkable.

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What a lot of weird nonsense. If you believe Hashem protects Israel in the merit of the Haredim, where was He in the Holocaust?

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What is the Charedi approach towards Hakaras Hatov of:

1. The IDF?

2. Anyone who provides help and assistance to a Charedi for anything else?

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I got what I was looking for, did you?


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So your God gives babies cancer?

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